Friday, August 5, 2011

PUL fabric-Is it food safe?

Finding the answer to this question is like finding the secret to eternal youth.

What is PUL fabric anyway? PUL stands for Polyurethane Laminate as is commonly used in cloth diapers.  It is what makes cloth diapers, covers & wraps waterproof and in the world of cloth diapering is GREAT!  So, when one thinks of ways to become more eco-conscious it seems logical to believe that PUL fabric made bags are a great alternative to the plastic (Ziploc) bags, right?  Well, not really.

I am not a scientist nor am I a food safety expert,  but with all the new information out there about BPA being bad and the possible toxicities of plastics, I find this question to be of utmost concern...esp as we become a more "green" household.

The long and short of it.  Is PUL fabric food safe?  Yes and No.  Apparently, there are different types of polyurethanes and in addition they made into different chemicals which all fall under the label "Polyurethanes".  The following link explains it the best that I can find:

And with that you ask, "What is the secret to eternal youth?" I'll let you know when I find it :-)


1 comment:

  1. Great post! I never even thought about whether or not pul would be safe for storing food, I just assumed it was. Thanks for sharing.
