Saturday, August 20, 2011

YOU are the reason why you are overweight

Recently, I retweeted a tweet on twitter (say that 5 times fast!) a link to an article about addiction being defined as a chronic brain disorder now and is no longer being considered behavioral.  I added the comment "Great, now every lazy fat ass can say not my fault". 
Now your probably thinking I'm a jerk (I've been called worse).  And maybe I am.

In MOST cases, taking more calories into the body than your body can use causes unintended weight gain.  Many doctors even believe that as few as 1% is due to medical reasons.  That means, as many as 68% of Americans are overweight because of their own choices. 

For the estimated 312,024,000 that are overweight the reason and newest "theory" is food addiction.  And let's say that is correct.  Here is a scenario for ya:

You open a 12 ounce bag of Doritos with the intent of only having a few but addiction takes over and you finish the entire bag.  You feel guilty and say to yourself you won't do THAT again but you do because you are addicted to food.  So what is a person to do?  How about this...

Go for a run, jog, walk.  Zumba.  Get a gym membership.  DO ANYTHING to work off those extra calories. 

As I go back to my original comment of, "Great, now every lazy fat ass can say not my fault".  Can you now see why I said it?

1% of you can get mad at me, that is your right.  However, the rest of you (68%) have to realize that YOU ARE THE REASON WHY YOU ARE OVERWEIGHT.  Now get up and DO something about it.


1 comment:

  1. I must agree with you 100% on this one Diane. Those who would like to call you a jerk, they do need to get off their fat lazy asses and get moving if they are too lazy to manage their food addiction!
